Dear Tortuga Cigar Brand Enthusiasts,
More than likely, you already share my passion for Tortuga cigars. In fact, you've probably already shared a few stories and introduced a few new smokers to my cigars. That makes you a genuine Tortuga Cigar Brand Ambassador. Therefore, I am personally inviting you to become an official Tortuga Cigar Brand Ambassador.
As an official Ambassador, you'll simply continue to do what you already do: talk to people who you think would appreciate the handmade quality of Tortuga Cigars. To assist your enthusiasm, we'll give you a few more tools with which to introduce Tortuga Cigars to your friends.
Plus, along the way, we'll deepen your understanding of Tortuga Cigars, have some fun and reward you for your efforts with special privileges, such as:
- VIP Access during rare appearances with Victor Vitale at your local tobacconist.
- Take part in a one hour Q & A period with Mr. Vitale as you enjoy Tortuga cigars, spirits, and more.
- At specific events, you will take part in an educational tobacco seminar and cigar-rolling experience with Mr. Vitale.
- Special coupons to purchase Tortuga Cigars at your local Tobacconist.
- Ambassador treatment when you show up for a meet and greet event at your local Tobacconist.
- Privilege to Cigar Lockers all over the world.
- Opportunity to purchase Ambassador Only merchandise.
- Advance notice of Limited Edition product.
- And much more!
It's people like you who are as much a part of our success and mystique as the golden guarantee seal pressed on every box of Tortuga Cigars.
So join us and become an exclusive Ambassador of your favorite Tortuga Cigar passion.